Nama: Fadhila Annisa S.          
                                                                                                   NIM: 20180810215

1.The case were talking about someone who trying to spread rumor in facebook, and it makes everyone in panic. Then the polices came to invisigate the rumor, in fact there is no thing such as the rumor means that it is a hoax and person who spread the rumor will get the punishment because she already spread rumor and makes everyone panic.

2. In this case she violated chapter 45 A verse (1) Undang-Undang Number 19 year 2016, but the UU changes into UU Number 11 year 2008 about information and electronic transision (UU ITE).

3. Based on she chapter 45 A verse (1) Undang-Undang Number 19 year 2016, but the UU changes into UU Number 11 year 2008 about information and electronic transision (UU ITE) will get jail threats for 6 at most or get the maxium fine 1 billion the most.


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